
That's awesome.

I would love to live in a cramped attic but it's too hot up there. Believe it or not I found beach sand up there like wtf? Someone stored sandy stuff? Also there was sand under the carpet and filling the cinder blocks. Idk. I have a surf board, but it's too small. I bought it off a foriegn student because she desperately needed money and she helped me a lot in the program. Now before you say simp, she would have def taken the D, she flirted like a scoundrel but I had a gf at the time. When a girl makes up some crazy excuses to get you into her bedroom I mean, it's like serving it on a platter but I don't cheat, and she wasn't my type. I don't normally like blondes. She was super brilliant Russian girl though, ended up immigrating to Canada when she graduated. She came down to visit one last time but I was busy.

[Ashley] this exhausted rambling tangent has been brought to you by Tulpa brand Tulpa oil. Only the finest extra virgin oil expressed by loving head pats. He worked 14 cleaning a garage today and it was only about half done because the loft was a flipping mess and needed complete reorganization and Bear loves to do that.