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I like pull days, they're something I look forward to so I do them first after the break. The idea of the three separate days as opposed to a full body workout over three days is the soreness of day 1 doesn't interfere with day 2. It also targets them better in that you build endurance and the secondary muscles start to take over toward the end of the workout. 

Do these in whatever order you like, this is my order.

- Reverse grip lat pulldown (high row) you can substitute pullups for this if you can do 3 sets of ten you wuss.
- Horizontal pull (mid row) you can substitute horizontal pullups here eventually on the rings without your feet touching the ground you fucking savage.
- Low row (seated)
- Bench one arm dumbell rows (horizontal back, to chest, tuck that elbow)
- Seated incline dumbell curl (palms up)
- Shrugs (with dumbells you dumbell)
- Roman bench (do it right, I know it's hard at first, you might not get 10 in, that's ok just this once. I bought one and I do it at home, I struggled at first now I can do it all day bitch, don't worry)
- Standing one arm dumbell rows (just to hip)
- Straight arm rope pulldown
- Chest pulls
- Oblique twist 

Yeah, you're gonna feel it tomorrow. The objective is to be sore not incapacitated.