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thumbnail of Leg-Press-Machine-Variations.jpg
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This is a light day ngl, so you're gonna have to make it count, push a little, you will recover tomorrow or the next. Also finish up anything you missed the other two days because in your pot infused stupor you're retarded or if ass clowns hogged the machines or if an indian girl did fucking yoga on the roman bench all day. God damnit.

I don't do squats. I don't like them, the weight belt is for morons and future back patients. If you like slipped discs then by all means go kill yourself on the squat rack but no I won't. My core has done just fine without it. I do leg press and that's good for the quads, etc. Deadlift, are you kidding me? What are you doing? Stop it, you mongoloid.

- Lunge. So it's not 3 sets of 10, you don't want to kill yourself here with extra weight and all that, get up to three sets of 20 then add weight and keep it between 15-20 per set. You're a man, you're always going to have thin legs, forget about it, save your knees.
- Calf raise
- Leg press (on the machine)
- Leg extension (on the machine)
- Leg curl (on the machine)
- Okay okay, you can do squats, I want you to do squats, but no weights. You're going to look gay, but just tell people 'no homo'. It'll be ridiculously easy in time then skip it. If you like it, get to the point of doing single leg. It'll help with balancing too, lots of secondary muscles but find a closit big enough or people will laugh at you. If you insist, add dumbells. *sigh*
- Step ups. (I usually skip this and do the stair stepper cardio or just climb stairs for 30 min.)
Don't do any jumping shit you're dumb.
- If you really wanna attract Chad from across the gym, do Glute bridges, otherwise save that shit for your Jujitsu class.
- If your gym has a leg sled, then you're paying too much, but yeah do that.
- Plank. Really save this for last and shoot for a full 5 minutes here eventually, it's gonna burn baby, one time only, no reps or sets.

You have free time, don't waste it, do a bunch of cardio or go swimming. 

I hate running, but if you want to kill your hips, knees, and ankles go ahead.