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She also said, "you could be really good if you keep practicing".

That was nice of her to say but I am not likely going to be really good because the only training I do is 2.5 hours a week in class and with the 30 min lesson and that's not likely to increase. These masters spend all week training.

I suck because I don't practice at home and it takes 12 weeks to repeat the class so I only get practice on any one technique rarely. There's a lot of moves. I am currently 2 stripe white belt which is next to nothing. I am also two stripe white in Karate but Karate is kinda meh, Jujitsu is also not exactly what I wanted, but it's fun at least. I want something where you strive to keep situational awareness against multiple foes unarmed against knives, clubs etc. That sounds more useful. I did take a year of that once, it was called "self-defense" but it was somewhat of a mix of different styles adapted to street defense. That was awesome but the class was shallow meant to get people up to speed quickly and there was no mastery or progression. Maybe I want exists put there somewhere but bah I'm getting older now anyway.