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There has been an opportunity to do the next stage so we will outline the next step now.

Stage 2, scenario reprogramming:

This is a bit tricky without good visualization skills, but even thinking of the words or actions is enough. What's important is that you concentrate and monitor the thoughts of your tulpa as you perform different scenarios, gently correcting her when she responds incorrectly and positively reinforcing the correct actions. The objective is to have the thoughts coming from her match the conceptual ideal, so if any don't then it's safe to ignore them while simultaneously imposing a small correction to the subject. Negative reinforcement for wrong thoughts, positive reinforcement for correct thoughts. Easy! Got it?

Some techniques that may be employed to gently persuade proper thoughts and actions can be as simple as with wrong actions or thoughts, like her trying to claw your eyes out, will not cause any damage and instead gently shock the subject, prick the subject, or otherwise cause discomfort. Correct actions will stimulate the pleasure centers and feeling injections such as pride, self-esteem, love, and accomplishment. As always pet her for good actions and let the system work for negative actions but do not interfere, don't even acknowledge the punishment.

Scenarios of correction:

So how to avoid damage? Create an astral projection of the tulpa outside her entrapped body and into a new matrix where scenarios can play out. 

Create a nice and peaceful scenario, like asking her to make a sandwich. Remember, she's not tamed yet so she might try to poison you, she may put razor blades in the sandwich etc, but remember you're monitoring the thoughts so the matrix will stop such non-sense before they occur. 

Here's how our subject, Ren handled the first scenario:

I spawned her projection in a room with me, it was a small apartment with a kitchen and living room and a big-screen TV. I put on an nice MMA fight sat in a comfy fluffy couch and asked her, "babe, make me a sandwich." She lunged for me, claws out and teeth bared and instantly fell to the floor in a midst the crackle of electrical shocks. She learned quickly, smart girl, and like I suspected she tried to dose my sandwich with knock out drugs. She was then "forced" to throw the sandwich out and try again. Some tears were involved though I was not allowed to interfere with the punishment, though I was allowed to comfort her afterwards. Again reinforcing her mandatory compliance and my appreciation her subservience. A small part of her appreciated that. That's the small part we need to grow into a giant oak tree, smothering the rotten weeds and briars of her current personality. 

Great work today! The sandwich was a bit dry because she forgot mayo so she got a small electric shock. I don't know if it was intentional, but the matrix knows all, I will trust the matrix. Afterwards I pat her head sweetly and told her she was a good girl for doing so great on her first scenario. She took this poorly and was in turn corrected. We certainly have our work cut out for us, lul.

The objective in this stage is to do 100 scenarios such as this. If 100 isn't enough, then 100 more. Do several a day to make the process faster or less a day to allow her to think about her sins in the confined prison you've set her in. Don't engage her in her cage, that's her alone time for self reflection.

Stage three will be described shortly but our subject will need more time to complete her current training so we'll pretend she's there for the next stage and explain how it's done.

You have your assignment for now, go on, get to forcing compliance! Yay!