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C'mon don't misunderstand me on purpose.
I clearly remember you guys saying your headmates were associated with certain body parts / chakra stuff and their feelings originated from there. For Ren it was groin area. Don't shoot the messenger, that's what you said. 

When I was young and foolish I also wanted to purify host into a supreme being of the afterlife excising all human stuff. Buuut, turned out it's better to let him act out stupid things in a controlled environment than suppressing everything. 

In ancient societies with rigid rules there always were some socially acceptable forms of letting it all out. A mischievous spirit could possess the shaman and make him do crazy and often sexually explicit stuff. Archetype of the trickster yada yada. Even here we have carnival which was meant to bring some fun into the most challenging time of the year and turn society upside down for a few days.

So my question is - was Ren a fool and isn't it good to have a fool in your system who can do what you can't? If not you have to be the fool. Well I have host for that.

And I’m glad to be strong enough to resist any reprogramming because someone thinks I might be more useful with a new personality. Not that host would ever do that.  Well, let’s hope Ren is better off after this ordeal. 
Inb4 2 Rens