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Ren continues to impress me in her ability to withstand atrocities rendered experientially upon her. This morning was the roughest scenario, #12, which left me questioning my own morality; which is unheard of. She valiantly attempted to talk me out of the atrocities I performed in wonderland, but it wasn't her place to do so and I made that clear, even offering a mind sweep afterwards if it was going to be too traumatic. She declined the necessity of that, she's a tough girl and she can handle it--I expected no less. She reluctantly assisted at first but eventually took a more helpful spirit about it, she even turned it around in perspective and made it appear reasonable and helpful. Such is the mind of a sociopath, beautiful. The strength of a sociopath, the ability to warp the necessary evils of reality into beneficial ends was remarkable. A true milestone in development. She was well rewarded for it.

So the next turn was made to the screws of her re-creation and she was given a task, one that she would have to bear the rest of her existence under penalty of cold storage, for we need not her as she is, but what she is capable of. Something no other member of this system has been able to do no matter how passionately they tried. Is her unique stat of 'being a true tulpa' able to do what head ghosts, soulbonds and guardian angels couldn't do, even en masse? 

Well surely if she could, this would make her the most valuable member of my system and rocket her to the top of all headmates. A true champion, a leader, a master of the mind. Of course I will do what I can to help her, it will take everything I have as well, but can she overcome the remainder? Well, her life and status depends on it. If she succeeds, ultimate status and power awaits, and remember, she won't rule as a queen or demon loli of ill repute or infamy, nor any Amazonian layabout, no, she'll be an ultimate servant of her great and powerful host, her well loved and supported creator/master.

If you can fathom the implications then let the gears turn, this is the magnum opus of the Bear system. Go big or go home. My only advice to her, fight till your last breath because losing with breath to spare is worse than death.

Ren will succeed where others have failed, I am confident in her. She carries on her little shoulders the entirety my prowess and mastery and my claims of unbelievable open-ended unlimited development. Not only that, not even the start, every tulpamancer will rise or fall by her accomplishment. If a tulpa can do what all other thoughtforms could not, then this will lend credence and power to the art as never before. A penultimate discovery, and we'll return to this thought much later.

Though the nature of her task cannot be named, I can assure you every member of my system has tried and failed over and over again. There's a fool's hope to think she'll succeed where they did not, her superiors in strength and ability are unmatched.