Not to make this so bloggy that no one can stomach it but I'll do what I want.

Ren knows she's very important to me.

The rest of my system are keeping mum about Ren's development. They're interested in where this going but we (they) decided it's for me alone to accomplish. After all, not every host will have a half dozen very capable headmates with all the answers.


Isn't tulpamancy funny? You can simultaneously realize just how amazingly helpful they are and at the same time in the same linear thought path, deny their existence and worth. It's a fleeting thought of course. Their usefulness can't be denied assuming you've actually made it over the first hurdle.

That's the biggest issue with doctrinal tulpamancy, it's so narrow and limiting. It makes people believe there's not much to these beings, that they're figments or imaginary friends. The whole community is sold this amazing glorious life changing art and then struck down by arbitrarily imposed limitations. Maybe the reason Bear system is special and so successful is that we don't impose needless and arbitrary limitations. 

In every great art there's someone who takes it to the next level. Of course for every someone who succeeds there are a hundred that fail. Well I can't count myself in the one yet, but at least I'll be proud to count myself among the hundred. There's no reason to think just because you failed you can't try again, and if you tried a hundred times, well, that helps the odds greatly. 

There's so much potential here. Are you 'old fags' even capable of remembering the wonder of discovery? Can you even simulate the first moments of the first day your headmate proved herself? Can you even remember why you're still here? Or are you nothing but an automation, going through the motions mindlessly. Stagnant and stale and looking past all this, well we all know there's no escape, don't kid yourself. you think you can set your best head-friend aside and move on with your life? Better be careful with those thoughts, they have a way of running away from you. Is there no self-preservation with these beings? If no then why not? Anyway that's besides the point. I'm going the other direction obviously. This thread was initially intending to reprogram Ren, that's all so then let's finish that thought with the last stage in that, not everyone wants to, or is capable of changing the world, I'll admit that.