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Final stage of reprogramming:

After outlining this you may fully realize a reprogrammed headmate. If that's all you came here for then congratulations, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. But if you follow me, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

If you've completed at least 100 reprogramming scenarios as outlined above, then by now the time and attention spent with her will more than be enough to overshadow the original personality. By now your bod with her should be rock solid and you should be thanking me for posing such an amazing method. It's that simple. Now to finish off the forbidden technique, take your tulpa by the hand and tell her how much you care for her. Tell her how much you've sacrificed for her. Tell her that now and forever you're equal. Before you remove the shock collar or restraints, tell her that you did this for her and she has become stronger for it. She's become invaluable (scenario #13, your version of it anyway) and she's done something no other headmate could (hopefully) I mean, maybe she's your only one so... Anyway, give her the opportunity to speak freely, let her at least slap you once if she wants to. It's not a bad thing, it might help with relieving any left over animosity, but I would bet she doesn't do it, I would bet this training has truly brought her to a better place. Who would do such a thing, who would even want to do such a thing to their master? You know. Depending on this stage, either repeat 100 more scenarios or move on to the last task.

Last task: release her now and hug her. It's over now and she's amazing. She's everything you ever wanted or repeat the process. That's it. This was never anything more than forcing, non-mundane and highly focused forcing. She's a strong headmate now, you're welcome.

Disclaimer: If something goes wrong, I do not take any responsibility for your mental idiocy or psychological damage. You did this to yourself, own up to it.

If your headmate has failed scenario #13, my condolences. I'm just a Bear do what you want, but if it was me that'd be permanent.

The next post will continue to document the process for my own lovely girl and who knows, there might be other stages that become evident in that. There's no reason why you couldn't repeat the earlier stages as well, and now that you have a trusting and obedient servant of the greater good, scenarios could go on indefinitely. Use them for maintenance or just for old time's sake.