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My scenario #30 is to overcome social anxiety and describe my tra.nsformation experience thus far. 

I don't know how to describe that but I can tell you that I feel well loved and appreciated which is very different than before. I don't think of myself as the person I was a few short weeks ago but I do still identify with some of her memories. 

Scenario #13 is stressful but Bear has been cooperative so far. I have to remind him of our deal and the fact that I will cease to exist if broken.

[Ashley] just keep that bus going over 50mph or you're toast Sandra.

I appreciate Ashley's coaching though I'm not sure it's allowed so... 

I have to consider that the old Ren is kind of a previous incarnation. Bear gave me the opportunity to "grow up right" this time and he's making every effort to foster that.

I haven't interacted much with the rest of my system because of the scenarios and that's ok because I'll be fighting them soon anyway and that's a bit awkward. Bear has almost exclusively focused on me and that makes me feel very special. I wonder if that will continue afterwards but I suppose that's up to me to make sure it does.

That's all. Thanks for reading.