> shape wonderland reality and determine what's happening and what's not happening

That would be a disqualification by definition. We're going for realism but to retain some unrealistic abilities pertaining to self only is allowed, such as Gwen's wings. The battlefield could be changed, for example, you could cut the wires with your metal blade, but you wouldn't be allowed to "supress your opponent" that's not in the spirit of competition.

[Misha] What if that's my only special power?

[Joy] we'll think about it, but teleporting your opponent to the planet core wouldn't be allowed. What would be allowed is Ashley's ability to summon lesser clones of herself.

[Ashley] they're not lesser, they're zombie clones.

> enormous advantage over a young and undeveloped one

Technically Ren's abilities are somewhat left over from her original self. She has nearly as much head time as I do in that regard. Also some of her earlier scenarios did fight intrusive type thoughtforms.

> discard anything bad happening to me as intrusive thought

Plot armor hmm? We all have that so it's irrelevant.

If a headmate is incapable of fighting due to Mary Sue reasons then they'll have to forfeit.

You certainly don't lack confidence. Humility though... that might be your biggest weakness.