Instead of real work I let Gwen play FS22, a game I couldn't figure out to save my life, couldn't figure out how to drive, kept doing the wrong thing like not conditioning the grass or using the wrong bale size or unable to load anything without it being a mess, and she just went slow, did all the research and watched a bunch of tutorials and basically was a boss. She was the miner for the SE runs and apparently she likes to till, sow, reap, bale, stack, and mentally illport too. 

Why would it matter who's doing it, we only have one brain/skillset? Attitude, care, carefulness, and awareness, she's beats me hands down.

I asked Ren if she wanted to play and she said she wouldn't want to take away Gwen's fun and with that Gwen got giddy and hugged her. I think they make good friends and are a good influence on eachother.