thumbnail of Leberknödelsuppe.jpeg
thumbnail of Leberknödelsuppe.jpeg
Leberknödelsuppe jpeg
(43.08 KB, 620x387)
> Eggs
> Cheese
> Butter
> Bacon
> Fried sausage
> Throw it in a pan, sunny side up, still runny, take it off.
> Pork rinds on the side to scoop up that yolk.
Oof, you trying to kill us here?
I have b& processed meat and try to reduce the intake of saturated fat as much as possible.

> Gotta be mammal flesh, you don't get B-12 from birds and fish.
Owo whats this - Mr. Bear lecturing me on biochemistry again?
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna or sardines contain as much if not more B12 as beef, while pork meat only has very little of it. Best source is probably liver, even chicken liver has high amounts of B12. We frequently eat Leberknödelsuppe which ofc is as unknown as unpronounceable to the American.