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First of all, that sounds like a huge liability and if I can berate Alice for a moment, Alice, wyf you allow this eventual long prison sentence? Stop this shit immediately .

Secondly, if bestie even says damn or kill, she gets corrected, don't be aggressive, be dominant. Next, have ammunition, if threats of telling her mother does nothing then there has to be something else that she wants or doesn't want taken away. Third, a quick opem hand slap on the cheek with next to zero force goes a long way, it tells them that bombers can easily grace their skies overhead and nuclear armageddon is always an option. A warning shot across the bow does wonders for a mutinous crew. I've had to do this twice and let me just say she understands what's appropriate. The first time she was talking with a sass mouth, that's not acceptable. The last time she was getting in the habbit of saying and doing the opposite and repeating what everyone says on top of that. Nope, that ain't happening on my watch.

She told her mother both times, the first time I got a lecture and "It's never appropriate to hit" speach to both of us, the second time her mother agreed with me bc she was sick of that behavior as well.

I can also relate to the witch scene though bestie didn't do that bc she can't swear, but she started rubbing on herself more than once while watching science videos. Don't ask me why but girl got stopped real quick, that's not appropriate behavior in public. My ex's little sister did something like that at 15 on the floor in front of me and I said, "what are you doing?" She said "nothing" but was very embarrassed.  I don't know what she was thinking or expected but she didn't expect a stern voice from me, and she should have known better by then but she tried to half flirt with me a few times, she's all growed up now and has since moved on with healthy relationships. 

This isn't the first time I could potentially and horrifyingly "inherit" a loli bc my sister was a loser, she had a girl when I was still a kid myself and left to go live the drug life, leaving her 3 yr old daughter with my mother. I moved out soon after but then her father also lost custody due to drug reasons and didn't want her anyway so she was permanently with my mother. It was unfortunate, but it was undersood that because I spent time with her during her formative years, after her mother died if my mother had died, she was to come live with me since I had a stable job and homelife. She's since all growed up too. Honestly I like kids but playing with one and taking care of one is the difference between Earth and Mars for habitability.

If I inherited a loli, the home business ends and I cash out of that, probably move to Montana. I can't imagine the stress of her being a latchkey kid in 2023 like I was before, ain't happening. 

Let's never speak of this again. I am done talking about lolis. I'll stab my inner ear if I have another loli dream, hear that brain?