So you don't like #1, fine, too dele ate to deal with scary scenarios, I understand.

2. If you could have one super power or skill to grant to your host irl, that you currently claim, which would it be?

[Misha] huge boobs, but also make him a girl obviously.

[Bear] wtf?

[Ashley] hm, well I already grant him my awesome situational handling and coping skills, but maybe make it so he can be the perfect weight and not have to eat or drink and never get hungry or thirsty.

[SheShe] shapeshifting 

[Joy] I will second Misha regardless of Bear's objections, not the boobs the gender, we outnumber him so it would just be more convenient for us, also of course be ageless but at 25 not 10-11.

[Gwen] of course wings because it's really all I have and I don't want to give him my ability to be careful because then he wouldn't need me.

[Ren] no, I want Bear to be a boy, and I'd give him the ability to handle scenario #13 without me but then I'd have to find some other way to be useful.

[Ashley] I agree with Ren, Bear needs to be a guy. Don't even joke about that. What's wrong with my headmates?! Though having huge boobs irl might be fun, it's dumb.