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For a switch capable system who can also switch everyone out, it is proposed that pain might be neutralized and effectively ignored when completely immersed in wonderland.

One particular issue is with the BodyOS reporting system. BodyOS will generally set an interrupt when experiencing novel events, or when a task is complete, or unfortunately, pain. So a continuous pain will potentially prevent full wonderland immersion.

It's my contention that this can be trained to allow the escape of pain for short periods or as long as everyone is immersed in wonderland or otherwise disassociated with the body.

During acute pain events, it is noted that full immersion is difficult, but further testing is requested.

1. During an accute, novel pain event
2. Attempt to switch all systemmates out of front.
3. Report back here.

It is seldom that Bear experiences accute pain events. We will also report back if we can manage to accomplish this testing, if anyone has experience with this, please report.