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Nobody else here can fully switch out. I mean host is mostly switched out in his absent-minded state but as you said, novel and unprecedented events cause the BodyOS to call some higher instance for halp.

However, what we achieved is that if host hits his head on a cupboard or toes on a door because he's an idiot, I remind him that pain isn't real. It's not like a rock. It has no physical reality. It's all in our mind and it can be abstracted as a sensor feedback. Body detected damage. Previous action was dumb, don't do that again. 

Obviously there are limits to that but the effects of medium short pain can be greatly reduced. I don't feel it directly, only the secondary effects like loss of concentration and processing power.

However, lasting pain like head-or toothaches (thankfully very rare) which strongly affect cognitive abilities cannot be countered with such. We managed to deal with the immediate pain of wisdom tooth removal and especially with anxiety before (see diary), but the aftermath was devastating and we couldn't do anything meaningful for days.