
Oh how I wish my old friends were there. I'd just say, "he offended me" and they'd beat him till he had permanent nerve damage. Ah the good old days. It was so fun dating the alpha female of a ruthless group of criminally insane thugs. She and her best friend were the only ones they weren't passing around like a blunt. Whenever they tried to hit on her, she'd tear them a new asshole, rip their dick off, and stick it in the new asshole. God I loved her so much, but she was also criminally insane and completely uncontrolled, like a gun with a hair trigger, no safety, and hands covered in butter. 

One time she was in the hood and there was a pit-bull roaming around, you know, the beaten aggressive kind. It spotted her and sprinted for her, no doubt wouldn't just hump her leg, likely maul her, and she fucking ROARED at it so loud and angrily it skidded to a stop and just looked at her, then she took out her blade and got ready to rip it a new asshole, then you know. It turned and ran. I wasn't there but the dog probably wouldn't have done that if I was. Dogs immediately see me as alpha to them.

One time, I was in a ghetto pet store and there was a pit-bull female in a cage, but the top was open. I walked near it and it started crying. I saw it was giving me submissive signals and I pet it. It acted like it hadn't had affection its whole life. A lady ran up and looked at me bewildered, "didn't you read the notice!?" Apparently that dog had severely mauled someone and was known aggressive and was about to be put down.  

[Ashley] Bear wishes there was a martial art style where he could fight to the death.