
The closest thing I could find is I was getting "heat cramps" but also could have been electrolyte loss due to heavy sweating. 

My goto for cramps are magnesium, potassium (bananas), and calcium (milk). The cramps almost instantly dissapeared with milk so calcium deficiency? Doubtful, however, I am also on a calorie restricted diet so it's possible, still don't buy it.


People are almost without exception, assholes. 

I never hate on individuals unless they're actively being an asshole but otherwise I really don't care what they are, color, country of citizenship etc. Ukranians really do hate Russians though, even before the invasion. I made the mistake of asking someone if they were Russian and she jumped down my throat because she was Ukrainian.

Okay you white people all look the same to me bitch and you speakin cerulean  or smth so damn. Also watch yo mouth or I'll zero force slap you. 

If I took my misanthropy out on everyone, I wouldn't get you plebs to do what I want. Now shut up and go make me a sandwich!

[Ashley] sir, this is a Wendy's.