Ah leg day, holiest of days, to skip it would be the road to perdition. So sayeth the wise Alandro, "Thou who skippest leg day, our holiest sacriment with the divine leg definition, shall feel the burn in eternal hellfire, thou are the most unclean lifter, perpetuator of lies and deceit, user of the squat shoulder pad, ye hath surely lost your soul to a devil's bargain."

Dude with 9 on each side, hogging the leg press is there every day. Every day is leg day ig. I can't hate on him, there are other machines that do the same thing up to a point and leg press is just one of many ways to honor leg day, but seriously.

I want to speak of another subject the time of rest.

In bodybuilding, there is an accumulation of small tears and stress on the tissues and bones, and for this we take a week off. When and how often we do this is up to you but roughly every 8th week to 12th week we rest for a week. And again as the year progresses we must sacrifice for the greater good and for this once every year we rest for 1-3 months. 

You may be thinking wait, 3 months?! Are you nuts? Well not exactly cold turkey. Again we follow the rule 1 week off every other month or so but also if there is a season when you must expend your efforts to other things, for me this is summer, you break. You do other exercises in this time, swimming, surfing, core, cardio, you can do just physical therapy for something that might be bugging you, but this time of healthy healing is good for the body and the mind, in this time we sacrifice leg day, we go without, so that we can appreciate it more. We don't feel bad or feel like we're missing out, we celebrate and give thanks. This is a time to enjoy and appreciate the body you've built. This is why you are doing what you do.
