Oh holiest of days, leg day I honor you and I am humbled in your presence. 

Oh lord of the days, give me your strength to achieve massive gains. Let your legs be strong as oak trunks and hard as steel.

Today we celebrate the holiest of days with my clean and easy lift of 12 plates on the leg press. Last week I maxed out the other machine at 450 lbs and so with 12 plates that's 540 lbs and it wasn't hard. But taking it slow is always a good thing.

Lunges are getting easier, I do three sets of 15 with 30 seconds between. It's not easy for me because as with the main reason for this resurgence I have weakness in the knee attached tendon of Rectus Femoris. Though it's getting better, it was very weak for me. Walking doesn't exercise this at all so I basically didn't exercise it for three and a half years.

[Ashley] you will pay for your sins with planks!

No no! Not that, anything but that worthless nothing exercise. It wastes my time!

Great workout. The leg day is only 1 hours olus half an hour of swimming afterwards.

Since I'm in there at 3am, the pool is free for use. It's absolutely wonderful not to have to wait for some loser using the machines wrong. It's not empty though, there are at least 20-30 people in there but this gym is huge.