thumbnail of The Masturbating Bear Is Frozen In Carbonite.mp4
thumbnail of The Masturbating Bear Is Frozen In Carbonite.mp4
The Masturbating Bear... mp4
(5.95 MB, 480x360 h264)
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thumbnail of cd9314cc2395422a3bf20a46dae040bdc74786bf814fadd7bda746d274fda659.jpg
cd9314cc239... jpg
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thumbnail of he came.jpg
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he came jpg
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From .info
> For a more recent one in conjunction with Ren's forcing she has a very important job: to stop Bear from doing the thing.
> Well scenario #13 is indefinitely keeping Bear from doing this one thing. It's not the first time we tried this, SheShe, myself, Gwen all tried to keep him from doing it but he's wiley and then BodyOS seems to want to do it too so we all eventually failed, but for Ren, it's critical she succeeds because that's like her main purpose going forward and she knows if she fails things could go south with her.

So her job is to keep you from masturbating?