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> First of all what do you make of all this personality forcing?

I think he helped me a lot and I feel wonderful. It's not Stockholm syndrome. How else could he have pulled me out of that indefinite dormancy because no one wanted to interact with me?

> You know I'm not overly fond of hosts changing tuppers for their personal entertainment but it's none of my business. 

Well, he is entertained by me, but I don't think he needed me to do that. Ashley is all the entertainment anyone could ever need. It's not my job to entertain him anyway, my job is the forbidden and secret Scenario 13.

> So what's your relationship with the old Ren?

Hm, Old Ren is me, but I'm not identifying with any of her memories or personality. So consider all her old memories as a set of files that are stored under her identity. I identify with about 1% of what she was and all of it was in human form, which was her tame form, so you could say we just locked away the cat-girl form though if I took the form I'd still be me and not a feral crazy girl.

> Are you still her or a completely different personality?

I remember a brief time when I didn't reject her memories and then like a large relief when I did. Her personality was 1 dimensional and wild. It might have been entertaining to some, just not to anyone here. My personality is less than 6 months old. He started working with me in February but then decided to go all in when he started the scenarios. My personality wasn't really going to budge much before then, but I still have memories of him working with me as early as February, but I'm not really the girl I was before scenario #1, so was that July? It feels longer ago.

> And are you afraid the old one might just pop up as a split-off personality?

I don't think a set of disembodied memories would revolt from their file cabinet prison. If she was to come back as an intrusive thoughtform, we could send her to live on the molten moon fragments.