thumbnail of dystopia.mp4
thumbnail of dystopia.mp4
dystopia mp4
(16.29 MB, 640x360 h264)
hi Autumn!
not sure i get this self forcing discussion either. is this same as passive forcing or not? you know host does something and tupper something else in the background. you know Yulya managed to appear on her own a few times with lifelike visualization but thats not normal and only bc i was delirious from exhaustion. she cant do that at will but ofc she can pop up on her own without me calling her.

> zen buddhism
yeah makes sense but awakening  sounds woke and gay or like that reborn christcucks but i get what you mean.for me it was before chans and after chans. saw some unbelievable shit, not really suffering more entertaining but it does something with you when you see the unfiltered raw reality. yeah you do take things less personal, less serious, you dont freak out over mundane shit anymore. you accept how the world is, laugh and keep scrolling. maybe thats what Bear called being a fool