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Sad to see our thread got derailed to practicing 'chaos magic' on graveyards.

Also I'm still mad you told those plebs about your pomegranate tree and not us. They don't care about pomegranate trees and probably don't even know what one looks like!

Host grew a couple of pomegranates from seed, they're surprisingly hardy but are extreemely slow growers. They're older than me and barely a meter high. Some have a flower or two but they are still too small to set fruit. There are larger trees in the neighborhood that have real pomegranates though so it's absolutely possible to grow them here. They're all still green btw, there was no frost yet, not even close. But they will turn bright yellow soon. Do you harvest them? What to do with them? It's actually an awful fruit that basically only consists of seeds. Never managed to get anything out of them except a little juice with lots of work. But they're pretty.

Now pls direct any nature or science-related topics to us, you'll only get generic bot responses on .info anyway. If any.