Nothing system related.

I had to return something to the hardware store because they're idiots and shipped me the wrong things. So I loaded it in my truck and started it up, got it rolled down the driveway and nope. The cluch no workie, no grabbie, so I was completely stuck ass out in the street. It failed in a curious way because it's a massive gas guzzling classic American truck and the clutch would give you a leg work out, and it's manual of course, and I mean the clutch doesn't have any master cylinder.

Anyway, there I am, laying in the street hammering on anything remotely attached to the mentally illmission and ffs it didn't work. So now, it's relevant that I also have a car, a luxury sedan that was given to me by inheritance many years ago and it's still great. I also must mention that I'm a certified mechanic and I partially used that to pay my way through college because you don't get nothing for free in America unless you're well you know, and I'm not. 

So I had some ratchet straps, good ones apparently, and I didn't have any chains or come-along yet. So did the right thing and used the ratchet straps to tow the truck behind the car back up the 1 to 7 driveway, and amazingly it worked so well, but I couldn't get it the last three feet or so without wrecking something so I parked the truck and went and bought the chains and come-along. Then got it the rest of the way.

I had to make two trips in the car to return the shit and now I'm *again* without a working truck. Same truck I just rewired and fixed all the gages and engine last winter. It made it another year before this. 

It's either the throw out bearing seized, not likely, or the clutch had a catastrophic failure, more likely. Anyway, now I'll be taking the mentally illmission down to see what happened and what it needs in the near future. shouldn't be a problem.