Okay listen, I feel like I should reiterate this detail because a guy at the gym reminded me that the point of the reverse pyramid is really a hybrid of the press to exhaustion method. It's what I'm calling it.

So 3 sets, that's good practice. 10 ea. That's a good middle ground and as long as you're not on the juice, you won't get injured. So here's the little bit extra. What you do with reverse pyramid is ramp up the weight, we know this. Pay attention now. That last one, if you're doing it right, that last set is going to fail at between 6 and 8 reps. That's the true goal. You put enough weight on it to know you can't do 10, probably can't do 8. This is how you're gonna maximize gainz the right way and damn I did it today and shit man I busted all my records. It was the best day like I was really holding back doing 101010. I'm talking 50% gain out of nowhere, wasn't tracking it.

Don't do this on bench or something where you're going to get injured if you fail.

That is all.