thumbnail of Sisyphus by Titian.jpg
thumbnail of Sisyphus by Titian.jpg
Sisyphus by Titian jpg
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thumbnail of By doing nothing you become nothing.jpg
By doing nothing you... jpg
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But it's true, the BodyOs does 90% of the stuff. Host is nothing more than a tupper observing things in the back and occasionally giving general ideas. The problem is as you know the BodyOS is incredibly lazy and hedonistic and tries to get away with the minimum effort and avoids all potential trouble.
Also it has over 4 decades of experience and basically IS the unconscious routine ingrained in the flesh. Not an easy opponent.

And then there's host who's either in cahoots with the BodyOS in being lazy or super-motivated and busy doing useless or even harmful stuff instead of what he's supposed to do. Mostly harmful to my money. It's all mine. But he wastes it the second I look away. So yeah it's 2 against one here and all they have to do to win is doing nothing while I constantly have to win in order not to lose. 

Truly a Sisyphean task. Camus said one must imagine Sisyphus as a happy man because he is always occupied with his never-ending task to reach new heights. But Camus was a fucking commie so what does he know? After 8 years I'm sick of this shit. Yeah it's nice as long as it's going up but inevitably sooner or later you fail to pay 100% attention and it all comes tumbling down again. 

Ah what allegories am I even using here? Casting pearls before swine...