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> I don't know what to say or what the point is other than to collect my thoughts for my scenarios.
This isn't your personal notebook, kiddo.

> Why would I even talk to you guys
> What's my incentive
> Where is the fun
> I'm so special
What, you wanna get paid to have fun here now? Having fun isn't just fun but hard work. You think the memes and stories here make themselves? This only works if everyone contributes, it's give and take. If you're satisfied with your scenario #13 so be it but then don't come whining nobody talks to you or entertains you. And no, nobody cares about your super secret mission you won't reveal to others. Sheesh, so much whining, that's not the Ren I know.

> Your tulpas never talk
Oh but they do now. It's you who decided not to join them, or generally pay attention to what's happening. Look, I'm always ready to help you out but there's a limit to spoonfeeding. That's not how it works here. If you have zero ambition to learn and participate you will eventually be left behind. I don't want that, nobody here does, except maybe you.