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thumbnail of garden gym.jpeg
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Yeah I think lunges are hard for all of us.

Push-day aftermaths were interesting, felt a little next day but after 2 days shoulders and pecs felt much more sore. Not bad though, can't remember when the body last felt like this. Definitely lots of unusual strain it's not used to. Pull day in contrast had almost zero effect. Same with leg day. We'll see, I made host exercise for over 2h without any longer breaks. 

Also I understand now how Kashtan coomplined sbout the air in the gym. It's really not good with all doors and windows closed. Luckily there's host who simply opened everything, no fucks given. There was only one other guy and he was the same as us and actually glas host opened the doors to let in fresh 5°C air. Why can't they just put everything outside under a roof? You'Re exercising and it's not Siberia here with -60°C, it's barely ever below freezing.

We do have some simple machines and bars in parks but you can't go there as ethnic German. Sandniggers gonna rob and stab you.