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Still in the middle of family Christmas celebrations. I think it was nice this year. Very peaceful, no stress, no annoying people. Well they are old to the point of calling host 'boy' and 'the kid'.

As you can imagine, host family members are all serious weirdos but not in a bad way. At least for us. Compared to average people aka subhumans they're wonderful. Everyone has an academic degree and behaves responsible. No bickering, fighting or other nonsense. Others may find it boring but I like it. And I do not like a lot of people. Host did his best to create a dream team of right relatives who harmonize with each other and it turned out glorious. Definitely one of the best Christmas celebrations in recent years and itr will continue another few days with different relatives. Only thing that leaves a bad aftertaste - host is the 2nd youngest in the entire extended family by a huge margin. Most are 60+ ony one is in 30s. A large part of host family will die out in the near future and no replacement is in sight. Mfw dying society.