
This brings back the memories


I'll let you guess which one was me in Highschool and then which one was me in College. Bah, you forgot already, I wasn't popular in high school and despite my bad personality, I was still popular in college because I was beautiful, and I was only beautiful because I worked out and dressed well.

It was such a contrast, suddenly *the same girls* who todl me "don't talk to me" before I worked out, not even 4 months later were saying "why don't you talk to me anymore?"

It was a feeling I'll never forget. And to be asked out constantly, I mean several times a week by cute girls, to have them flock around me like I was feeding pigeons, it was so funny. Of course then I could just pick the ones I wanted and of course the ones I wanted were the alphas. Those bitches are crazy, hot and crazy hot. But mostly crazy.