
Definition: Introvert

1: a person who is concerned or interested mostly in one's own thoughts and ideas
2: a person who is shy or reserved and enjoys spending time alone

At times, when you read about what introversion means, you feel like someone is spying on your life. Yes, you love being alone. You hate making shallow small talk. Spending too much time socializing with other people leaves you feeling drained, irritable, and sometimes even physically unwell (a.k.a. the introvert hangover). Independent thinker, you rarely seek advice and often discard others' advice and criticism.

Definition: Extrovert

The term extroversion describes an aspect of a personality that is often characterized by expressive and outgoing patterns of behavior. People who are extroverts tend to be very talkative, sociable, active, and warm. Jung defined an extrovert as someone who feels energized by the external world and social interactions. You are recharged and refreshed by interacting with others and feel empty without a constant interaction. You feel the need to get others to validate your every thought and rarely if ever make any decision alone.

Headmates not included. I am an introvert.