
> It's extravert.

You mean extrovert? Yeah, that's what I said.

> but partying, binge-drinking and having girls swarm you is an insult to introverts everywhere.

You don't get it bro, I was the ugly one until I worked out for 3 months and had help with my wardrobe then impossible became possible. No matter how long I stay in the beautiful people's club, I'm still that same ugly introvert on the inside. This is why I don't like people touching me, I don't trust that they mean it because before that life altering dimensional shift, girls only touched me to tease me, guys only touched me to do physical harm.

After and even to today, they only touch me because I'm beautiful, and no, I'm not here for their pleasure.

What's really crazy, after the tran.sformation, others respected me, they hung on my every word, they didn't interrupt, they didn't talk over me, they at least acted like they cared. 

Imagine yourself suddenly surrounded by beautiful people and they're all paying attention to you, it was a literal nightmare. I still can't take it right.

I took bestie to a famous discount warehouse here and I was pushing her around on a flatbed cart, her mother wanted me to take them because they wanted to buy heavy things and I'm the goon right? But I like shopping so I did. Well apparently if you put a beautiful child on a cart and you're normal (like her mother) no one says shit. But if you put a beautiful child on a cart and you're a 6'3, buff, beautiful person, people think of any possible reason to chat you up. 

I don't like strangers chatting me up, and it got literally ridiculous. Like we couldn't pass another person of any age or sex washout them saying something like, "oh what isle did you find her on?" "How much was she?" etc. This was creepy af. I forget what else.