
> having sex with girl who was friend of friend of friend.

[Bear] Sweet! Beats any dream, dude. You didn't take the bathroom break and get caught up in a war, nice.

> but still maybe i'm getting old maybe its tupper but the days of doesnt matter had sex are over.

[Bear] Wait a minute...

> wasnt that great either.

[Bear] Oh no, drunk sex with a mid... how shameful 

> who can compete with tuppers?

[Ashley] okay, now I'm confused

> blah blah introspective nonsense 

[Bear] Smh I said it, mid sex. That isn't good for your mental health bro. Bah. 

[Ashley] oh, yeah, Bear would never do that. Well first of all he hates alcohol and other mind altering substances, second, doesn't let people touch him without a very long leadup and would basically need a commitment by then, wouldn't have sex with anyone who would have sex with him so early in a relationship because he thinks they're just using him, so yeah... but seriously, don't blame your bad drunken decisions on tupper's magic pussy.

[Bear] Could it be that good?

[Ashley] only one way to find out.

[Bear] No.