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So in the dream I ran a kidnapping ring but the kids were basically given whatever they wanted, xbox, good food, better than a resort hotel, like opulence with a wading pool in the room kind of nonsense. I talked to a boy and a girl in separate parts of the dream. The boy (who was alai somehow bestie) was shirtless and played xbox while eating icecream. I asked him/her if he/she wanted to go home, he/she asked me if I was kidding. Back at his original home, when I was abducting him/her, somehow I fell asleep on a therapist couch and then woke up (in dream) to jerking myself off roughly, it hurt, and the grandmother was there watching and she got angry and started throwing stuff at me. The bestie as a boy was already in the car. To the grandmother I was a kidnapping investigator. I gave her some crazy story about the music industry and other random nonsense and she was hosile at this point so a hired goon took care of her. Like wrapping her in belts, not killing her.

The girl was different, I was talking to her parents, again as an investigator and said if their daughter (who was actually Autumn and somehow also Ashley at times but when she was Ashley she was mid-late teens and when Autumb early teens) if she wanted to come home she would make that choice.

Afterwards I asked the Ashley version of her if she wanted to go home and she laughed at me. Later I went to her room and she was lounging on a deck chair wrapped in towels, like in her hair too, with cucumbers over her eyes. This was bigger than a house in this room with a full wall of windows overlooking a city (at night). When I entered this was Autumn and she greeted me. I asked how the accommodations were and she smiled.

For once my dream mind didn't try anything funny. Was a mid-dream but cool that I got to see some headmates.