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It's another one of those subtle 'educational animes' that is suposed to make fat NEETS work out
Danberu Nan-Kiro Moteru
danberu is supposed to mean dumbbell and kiro -> kilo. Gotta love Jap attempts to spell English words.

Leg an back day, air was awful but host overcame his social awkwardness and asked people if he could open the door. Everyone was happy about it, why didn't those peabrains do it themselves then?
Workout went well, there was some physical therapy guy that showed useful exercises for the shoulder rotator cuff, it's nice to see exercises IRL, very different from videos.

After an hour some staff member came, none is usually in sight. He coomplained opening the door messes up the AC but he got BTFO by 5 regulars who told him front up that the AC sucked and air quality was shit without opening windows or doors. We were already leaving and stayed out of it but although a newbie, host already has a reputation of being the renegade window-opener. Can't wait to be kicked out of the gym fpr that but I'll make sure host doesn't back down. If they want to get into another CO2 level argument with him that turns into a multi-hour monologue about dinosaurs it's only them to blame.