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Ours look different

This is the only picture I could find and it's a poor example. Whenever I work in the front yard and end up with mud puddles, the wasps come and gather mud. They prefer clay and the soil here is heavy with clay because this the shore of an old riverbed. 

I'm going to chop down an old peach tree today. It's been with me first in a pot and then as a tree in the ground since I was still a child. Peech trees only live 15-20 years and this one is old. It isn't rotten or termite infested but it is weak and doesn't look healthy anymore. It's children seedlings are strong and healthy and will be planted this year in a different location. Going near where this tree is now will be my pomegranate trees.

I'm not at all attached to this tree, it never grew correctly to be honest and never got as big as it's mother tree that grew in the yard where I used to live 20 years ago. It never had big peaches after it's 4th year they were always small, but it did produce huge numbers of them, like 4-5 thousand per season. so there were always plenty for jam.

It'll be a few years before I'll have enough peaches for jam again, that's okay too.