
No, mine get leaf curl, fungicide works but not worth it because a healthy tree outgrows the curl quickly. They also don't rot here. The tree was so elderly it nearly couldn't outgrow the curl until way after the peaches fell. It didn't have much canopy anymore. I remember years ago when I planted it she had canopy so thick I couldn't see the sky through it.

Two babies will be planted in a new location and in two years we'll have new peaches. In four we'll have more than we know what to do with.

Pulling out the 10" tree with my Bear hands counts as pull day. I also dug the new hole for the pomegranates which will be planted next to where the peach was. Here's the issue, I don't know how much longer I'll be living here anymore because my city allows up to 10 units on my plot so fuck, do you know how much fucking money I could make if I remodeled it into a slum? Shit like even if I did 4 it would make as much as one of my jobs. Shit is ponderous man.


Look, it gets more complicated. My business partner comes from money. I already rung out my family for all they got. She is about my age but her mother is like 70, like she only ever knew her mother as old. Anyway,  when the old bag dies, my business partner wants to move to an even better neighborhood than this one. This one isn't bad but it will be after everyone turns their single families into 4-10 unit slums. She lives down the street, totally serious. Anyway she's going to take her family home with her sister and turn it into a rental with 6+ units like another neighbor did down the block. She's then going in with her sister on a posh place in the *good area* delux shit. So fuck, I'll be stuck here with the plebs? Fuuuck you, kinda raw about that at first but wait, there's more. So now she's got an in with a general contractor who would do both our places at zero cost, mutha fucking what?

But that's not gonna happen for at least 5-6 years, so there's time to think about it but also I have to mention her sister is also my fwend and is one of the crew who duped me into going on that 27 mile walk bs last spring. Not my type, but cute.

So damn. I like my place but it's smol. The neighborhood is quiet and clean. Idk. Imagine the property tax on the new place, it's fucking rediculous.

So then bestie's mom is all "we should buy a huge place together and live like celebrities."

In the "good area" there are huge mansions and shit but they aren't cheap obviously. But listen, all four fucking fwends want in on this idea. They each would only have to pay 1/5, they all make enough to do that. I could always bail and live back here with the plebs and own 1/5 and only pay my share of mortgage with rights to live there. Bestie would be 14+ by then.

Idk, kinda don't like ppl in my house. They're all super stable ppl tho. Don't wanna be left out either and without them down the street I would have to commute more. Do I even have a choice?