
I was in a school, with other classmates, college level. No classes ever give any homework, no lectures, just sit in class and talk or get bored. Ate lunch. I want to go home but get lost and end up running down huge hills and flooded pathways, got wet no matter how it looked. With Rita Hayworth because I looked her up yesterday, but she was old version. Made it to a building, still inside, still lost, it was a manufacturing office, very confused maze, no one is helpful, they won't tell me how to leave. I find an exit, it's a back yard, enclosed.

Then I realize we don't have homework because the armageddon is coming imminently. So I find a room of small children. I pick up a red haired loli and she looks at me like, "why are you picking my up like a mannequin?" She was as light as a paperweight and stiff like cardboard.  

The other kids all look at me and then I wake up thankfully because I know dream brain was up to no good.