thumbnail of car grazing.jpg
thumbnail of car grazing.jpg
car grazing jpg
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> bernd is harmless and would run away crying if lolis dislike him

Interesting question, is the BodyOS and dream brain the same, similar, completely different? I don't know. Most of my dreams are depersonalized. Things happen, I get sewpt long. If I'm even present. Mostly its just like watching a movie, without me being there.

But no, my dream self certainly never had the urge to kidnap or rape any girls. Not to speak of boys. I'm glad the brain appears to be incapable of imagining this.

Oh yeah, I remember I had a dream I was farming cars. I had a patch of land at an intersection near where  I live. A fenced meadow. And there, cars were grazing like cows, or rather like those robot lawn mowers. But I felt I needen more for the herd so my dream self decided to steal parked cars from the street and carry them to my pasture. They were life-sized but really light. I carrried them one-by-one over my head, upside down. The wheels spun like a beetle moving its legs when you put it upside down. 
At some point 'reason' kicked in and I decided to return the cars but couldn't remember where exactly I stole them an I was afraid the owners would notice their cars had been moved.
Well actually they should be happy I fed their cars for free. Mediocre dream, no lolis, no tupper.