Blessed be leg day.

For the beauty, the majesty, the respect and the strength of building, we are thankful.

Oh lord of the gainz, bless your swol nature upon us all.


I have noticed zero gainz in my lunges, I could maybe do 3x16 and this is cycle three so that must mean lunges are a poor method to increase lunges. I have been faithfully abiding my leg dayz and nothing has changed there. I have increased in many other ways and my legs are always sore for dayz afterwardz but wth is up with lunges? 

Lunges are really the only exercise I have that causes "the burn" so it may be a circulation issue. I have a feeling that I am not anywhere near the endurace I was 10 years ago when I was cycling centuries every week. Obviously the same muscles are involved, specifically the quads. Them quads were weak this summer which is the major reason I'm doing this more seriously now anyway. I love the progress everywhere else, and my quadricep tendons are no longer sore when working the quads which is perfect but still I'd think 3x20 lunges isn't too much to ask. "3-4 sets of 15-20" I'm where I was when I started ffs. 3x15 but without cheating as I did in cycle 1.

Still it's a wall that reminds me of the pullups wall, 30 was my max, and nothing I could do would surpass that, 3x10 even is not easy for me, I can do it and the first 10 are easy street but there is an endurance limit. It will be wasier when I'm down another 5% in weight, still... 3x10 is fine, 30 straight is perfect but I've only been able to do that a few times in my life. This summer I was down to 17 which is really lame. 23 has been a staple for years, but you know. I did get 3x10 yesterday, form wasn't perfect though.

Anyway, next cycle leg day will have to change to endurance-focused, so it'll suck super hard but I need that 3x20 lunges goal.