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I was on a mountain, went up to medium height with a cable car and wanted to go hiking from there. It was winter but I was still below the snowline. There were only tiny patches of snow, everything else brown and muddy. For some reason I was barefoot but it wasn’t cold. First turned right and a broad path went down the mountain. Soon decided to go back because I wanted to go up not down. Checked my phone for hiking paths but it made no sense because dream. So I went back to the cable car station and took another cable car further up. 
At the top station was a large flat area with the snow-capped mountain peaks in the background. But it was warmer and greener up there and quite populated. Lots of tourists, restaurants, an entire village. For some reason I was accompanied by a tall Catboy wearing a fur coat. Why teh fuck no Catgirl? Whatever, he was supposedly there to guard Alice (which was nonsensical to begin with but I didn’t question it further). Tupper wasn’t there anyway. The guy was a humorless autist who had trouble with the crowds of people and appeared to be straight out of an isekai with no understanding of the modern world. So I had to take care of him instead. We walked along a gravel road and I decided to take a photo of the mountains in the background with my phone. A young gypsy woman offered to take a photo of both me and the Catguy with my phone. Let me think about it – no. I won’t hand my phone to some gypsy. Strangely I was only able to zoom in and was stuck at maximum zoom level. I finally managed to get it to wide angle again and noticed a ruckus in the distance. A large wooden building was on fire and the flames were spreading rapidly with the wind. At first it looked interesting and a lot of people went closer to get a good look but now tupper was there and yelled at me to GTFO as the flames were quickly getting closer and everything was ablaze. Not a minute too soon, we turned and ran, yelling at other people who were still sitting in restaurants nearby to get the hell outta there. The flames spread beneath the earth and erupted in a wide area behind me like a volcano. It wasn’t scary but clearly unsettling and something you’d want to get further away from. I realized I was alone. Not that I worried about that Catguy I didn’t really know, but where was Alice? Can’t leave her behind, should I go look for her? 

I quickly realized how dumb that was and that I needed to ensure I was safe myself instead of worrying about a tupper that was either in my head or a monster with higher fire resistance than an asbestos sheet. Still didn’t feel good. I managed to find the Catguy sitting at the cable car station, now in safe distance from the fire. He also seemed devastated for losing Alice – it had been his job to protect her after all. I gave him a short sword and told him to look for her if he felt he needed to. But I knew there was nothing to be concerned about.

In some distance I finally spotted Alice dragging several people after her by their feet. They appeared to be – well done. Or rather burned to a crisp. It wasn’t entirely clear if tupper was attempting to save or eat those unfortunate people and I decided I was probably better off not knowing. Turned 360 and walked away.