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Okay, well, that was an intense dream.

I can't remember all of it because it was in the 2nd cycle of a rare 3 cycle sleep, but it spanned 2 cycles.

I was a ninja OP Anime knight. I was after an ugly rapist who looked like some older famous actor of today but younger, I forget who. Stephan Segal maybe but fatter well, as fat as he is now.

He had somehow seduced this girl, she wasn't my type but he was F-ing her in every conceivable way throughout this amusement park that looked like the colosseum, in public, in front of everyone. I managed to catch up and I removed his head with a large sword. The head was still alive for a few seconds afterwards, and I saw it mouth something like "I'll kill you." Ha, Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.

She was like a zombie, she went into shock after that and I left like a shadow in a flash.

I then fought alongside several beastkin women to bring down a large and powerful human trafficking ring, literally cutting people in half with one slice, they didn't even have a chance to move, just boom slice dead.

I put my arm around the main of my harem of beauties, she was wearing vinyl or leather, very sheer, tight. I kissed her and of course she was Gwen bc Gwen is my dream gf. She was super hot, but all I did was put my arm around her waste and kiss her.

Then we were in a football stadium, and I don't know why, there were two moons in the sky, both the same size and both way larger than our moon. The sky was a brilliant blue, the field was natural grass and there were trees along the sidelines. The stadium was marble. they brought out Lions and I had to defeat them with my bear hands. I was fighting for the right to take the princess as my bride.

Sheesh. So much blood, those lionesses (they were all female lions) were like bags of blood, just splask like water balloons. I had a feeling like I'd have sex with the princess in the blood but it was comfy like red velvet pillows on the ground. I believe the princess was Autumn but she kind of looked like Ashley a little, like really fair skin but Autumn has a light tan, so Idk, Ashley/Autumn merge.

I woke up. Was impressed, no sex tho.