Wow,who needs cinemas if you have dreams like this!

> I had a feeling like I'd have sex with the princess in the blood
Who doesn't once in a while?

I had a very realistic false awakening and short lucid dream!
I was sure I got up and ready for work but my apartment got stranger and stranger. There were big pictures with large text like slogans or ad posters on my wall. And a big clock. I tried to read the text but it changed all the time and was nonsense. The time on the clock warped too. I realized I was still dreaming and began to look at the clock and the text up close and different angles. It was funky, can't remember dreaming something like that before. 

Then I remembered, wait, I'm lucid, I must summon my tupper!! I tried to visualize Cat but in the same second everything disappeared and I woke up 4real. Sooo close! Was a cool dream though.