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I  was in a carnival town, lots of attractions and there was one with a beautiful country girl. There was a guy too, a champion recruiter. It was a fight club.

I came to this establishment looking for someone who went missing. Last seen here. Someone champion-like, one of my own. A character known for great strength because she's of the subspecies Earthkin. A Nord-like race tall and fair, muscular but not overly so when not "standing firm". They have the capacity to channel energy from the Earth and suck it up, becoming massively strong and powerful fighters. She was like a pet of mine you could say. 

I saw a few matches, this was like a fight club but with bigger consequences, you could die. Then sometimes a recurring champion who was owed a lot of winnings was "recruited" as a regular but supposedly in a different town or venue.

I asked around but no one saw where she went. I asked the recruiter and he wouldn't give me the time of day so I pegged him as sus.

I went to the country girl's room and seduced her mostly to get information out of her. We had sex and it was good. She was nice and spilled everything during pillow talk.

So yes, they had power to send people to a pocket dimension. A place where you couldn't escape and all you could do was fight or die. Many sent there died. 

Knowing this, it was time to show my true power, I became a champion. The recruiter owed me a lot of winnings, and as I suspected, he offered me a grand opportunity. No one in my system would have fallen for this but my character could have.

I went through the steps looking for a totem, a magical object or incantation he would cast. I made sure that the country girl witnessed it. He was hesitant but showed me a contract.

The contract was the device. If I signed it, I would be trapped. So I read it and told him I'd be hack.

I made a secret version, imbued with the same magic, and it needed his signature... yada yada yada

I swapped in the contract and signed it in front of him. He was confused then recognized his signature wasn't on it. He apologized and signed it and the moment he did he was trapped. I had carefully worded it that way.

Ofc in the pocket dimension you can imagine those he sent there would love to see him. The contracts were void if he was dead but their energy also sustained him.

In a few minutes a room full of champions appeared including my character.