thumbnail of deer sleeping.jpg
thumbnail of deer sleeping.jpg
deer sleeping jpg
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thumbnail of Jesse James Revolver.jpeg
Jesse James Revolver jpeg
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17HMR_rounds jpg
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> mfw Mr. Bear is more of an antisemite than me or host
bigger dream pedo and dream antisemite

lol at big shot in tulpamancy. cool phone though, did you have the matrix sunglasses too?

an old friend from school visited me and he brough a present, a huge old wood chest. opened it and inside were two full size deer, they had no horns. thought they were dead but then they started moving, they were asleep like cats in a box. i touched the fur it was soft. suddenly my friend pulls out a huge ass revolver that looked like straight out of some wild west movie and asks me if he can shoot the deers on the parking lot in front of my apartment to cook them. wtf man
he shows me the ammo of the revolver, it looks weird like .17hmr, he tells me the name of the caliber but it makes no sense. i tell him dude you cant shoot deer with rimfire and certainly not in my parking lot and we're not gonna butcher them in my kitchen. dont remember what happened but the poor deer were not killed.

also lol i googled and .17hmr revolvers do exist wtf