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I dreampt that I was old, like 59 and still going to grade high school. It was summer vacation as far as I knew and the previous year I didn't go to class because I was sick, specifically English class. I thougt missed the last week. I get to the old classroom and the class is in. They're doing work. I sit down and have a bunch of papers that look like 3rd grade work. I don't even recognize the teacher, someone in their late 30's or early 40's. I try to talk to her about make up work for the cpuple days I missed, she says I missed two months, last month and this month. I'm beginning to think it's not summer.

So then the class is roudy and she yells for them to stop, and I mean they're even playing music and being really loud. They don't stop. Pne of them calls her grandma and she starts crying so I put my arm around her and start rubbing her back, I say, "you're not a grandmother, I'm older than you are, way older" so she wipes her tears and leans in more, she says, "I want to stay here longer".

She finally pulls away and she says, "are you going to come to class?" I say "unless I have a fever, yes" and she starts to walk away, 
"Wait, what about my makeup work?"
She says, "we'll play it by ear."
I say, "but what grade did I get last year?.
She says, "E"
"Is that a passing grade? What does that mean?"
She says it means I'm writing at an appropriate level for the class.

She goes to the front and starts lecturing. This isn't summer school, I don't even know if I'm in her class this year. 

I leave to go home and I live in on-campus housing. I get to my parking lot and there's a line of people waiting indefinitely for a space, just like college. So then suddenly I'm on a bike, I just turn a corner open a door and that's my room, "I'll just park it in my room then."

I lock the door and am off to the administrative office to get my class schedule.