> Again? What happened to Mr. 'I'm never ever sick' Bear? I can't remember when the body last had a serious fever. Not as long as I'm around which is almost 10 years.

Okay, so not everyone can live the life of a shut-in recluse. Also, I'm surrounded by the heathen hoards of dirty Americans, barely lucid enough to not to throw their poop around, but not lucid enough to wash their hands or not pick their nose in public. Bonus if they don't eat it. These drugged out, obese, savages need a good culling. They spread disease better than pigs and chickens living together. 

Now, you spend one holiday here and see that you don't get norovirus and then see if you can be spewing out both ends and 24 hours later basically fine.

Good luck with that 120lb frame there chicky when you don't eat for 5 days.

This was more of a colon cleanse than a disease for me. I had no other symptoms other than fever, vomit and shooting water.