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Blessed be the gainz.

I am seeing huge improvements in my shoulder strength. Believe me when I say I was weak in my shoulders so I basically never used the motions that utilized the medial deltoids.

Yesterday I was moving something heavy and to my surprise I naturally used the medial deltoid motion and it was really useful. 

So I started with very low weight when I first started working them at the start of last cycle so in the last 4 months I've increased that weight to 3x. If that's not amazing gains I don't know what is. This muscle group isn't targeted on push or pull, it has to be lateral motion upward and it acts only in conjunction with the front and rear deltoids depending on the angle and rotation of your wrists. So it's tricky. I am working on another workout routine for the shoulders that should be a phase 2 to get them looking up to par and useful.